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"B2B": Bermondsey to Bruges
(Tower to Tower)

Saturday 29th April to Monday 1st May 2023



Event Report

The Penguin Peloton cycled from Guy's Hospital Tower, Bermondsey to Bruges Clock Tower, Belgium from Saturday 29th April to Monday 1st May 2023, to raise over £50,000 for Penguins Against Cancer (PAC). 


They were supported by the inestimable Black Rat safety team of Sasha and Tony Smith, as well as the non-cycling Sherry Squad.


You can read the full Event Report here.

Information on PAC, Registered Charity no 1159905, is available at:


PAC exists to raise cancer awareness and make financial grants to support Cancer Research, Cancer Treatment and Hospices. 


PAC also provides the sole funding source for the Fergus Scholefield Cancer Research Fund, set up in honour of a brave young boy who sadly died before his third birthday, and the Chris Howell Urological Cancer Research Fund.  PAC has no administrative or running costs.  All money PAC receives goes directly to support the fight against cancer.  We need your support, so please give generously.


Accounts of previous PAC fundraising events, which may raise a smile can be viewed here.

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For involvement in this event, please contact directly: 

Lutz Hostert, Club Secretary, The Penguin Peloton            07976  753629

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